Tuesday, November 6, 2012

God Bless Americans

I don't know anyone who likes to wait in line for anything.

But, we all do it on election day.  And, most of us do it patiently.  Even those of us who are not patient.  Me.  My whole life. 

Today is a day we get to exercise our right to choose, to say what's important to us and to cast our vote for those individuals who will best represent our interests.

There was a time I didn't vote.  I didn't take the time to learn about the candidates and didn't feel educated enough to make a choice.

This year I voted on select things.  I skipped over the things where I felt I didn't know enough.  Perhaps you'll think this is silly on my part and a shame that I didn't do my homework.  That's okay.  It's America and the beautiful thing is that you can think what you want, believe what you want and I can do the same.  And, our thoughts may be different and that is what makes our country great!

Take a moment today and Vote. 

Even if it's just for one thing - the President, an amendment, a judge.  Whatever.  There are millions of people who have fought for our freedoms to have this right.  As a woman there was a time when people like me could not vote.  Someone stood up, said let's make a difference and as a result I have this opportunity today.   Vote and show respect to all of those people who have fought for all Americans to have this right and to those Americans who continue to fight to ensure our liberties and freedoms.

God Bless America.  And, God Bless Americans.


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